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World of Warcraft

Arthas Menethil (white skin)
Frankly White

Garrosh Hellscream
Ashley Orange, with Timmy Brown and ruby red lowlights

Slime time for Skin, timmy brown for lips

Illidan Stormrage
Prissy Chrissy Periwinkle for skin base, Green goblin for details

Malfurion Stormrage
Lovely Lilic for skin base and Robins egg blue for lines

Slime Time and Green Goblin for base, frankly white and black molly for face

Sylvanas Windrunner
Frankly white sheer on skin and black molly for eye detaisl

Slime time and Green goblin for skin

Tyrande Whisperwind
Prissy Chrissy Periwinkle for skin , Purple bean for eye designs

Robins Egg Blue for skin
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